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Even If Youre Not A Nerd, Youll Love These Awesome Products. I Need Them!

Guess what? Everyone who absolutely hated high school because it was a non-stop stream of embarrassment and torture can actually relax. Being “nerdy” is cool now. The very same things that showing an interest in back when you were a teenager would have given you a table for one inside of a bully”s locker are now considered to be hip. If you can see through the blinding anger of being born in the wrong decade, you”ve got to check out these nerdy products.

You”ll love them, especially if you”re one of those Star Wars-loving dorks (relax, that”s a compliment now). Take a look!

1. Star Wars Chopsticks

Star Wars Chopsticks

2. Sudoku Toilet Paper

Sudoku Toilet Paper

3. TARDIS Teapot


4. Interactive Drum T-Shirt

Interactive Drum T-Shirt

5. Star Wars Stein

Star Wars Stein

6. Duck Hunter Garden Ornament

Duck Hunter Garden Ornament

7. Star Wars Shower Tile

Star Wars Shower Tile

8. Star Wars Sun Visor

Star Wars Sun Visor

9. Iceblox Ice Cube Puzzle Tray

Iceblox Ice Cube Puzzle Tray

10. Pac-Man Sofa

Pac-Man Sofa

11. Space Invaders Cutting Board

Space Invaders Cutting Board

12. A Handy-dandy Cursor Hook.

A Handy-dandy Cursor Hook.

13. Batman Cookie Cutter

Batman Cookie Cutter

14. Nintendo Controller Coffee Table

Nintendo Controller Coffee Table

15. PhotoShop Frame

PhotoShop Frame

16. R2-D2 Trashcan

R2-D2 Trashcan

17. Social Media Pillows

Social Media Pillows

18. Tetris Table

Tetris Table

19. Cordless Computer Mouse That Looks Like A Cursor

Cordless Computer Mouse That Looks Like A Cursor

20. Lego Star Wars Alarm Clock

Lego Star Wars Alarm Clock

21. World of Warcraft Beer Stein

World of Warcraft Beer Stein

22. Yoda Plush Backpack

Yoda Plush Backpack

23. iPhone App Magnets

iPhone App Magnets

24. USB Webcam Rocket Launcher

USB Webcam Rocket Launcher

25. Keyboard Pants

Keyboard Pants

26. IP Address Door Mat

IP Address Door Mat

27. Reddit Soap

Reddit Soap

28. Emoticon Shower Curtain

Emoticon Shower Curtain

29. Robot Tea Infuser

Robot Tea Infuser

30. USB Swiss Army Knife

USB Swiss Army Knife


It”s a nerd”s world. Well, it”s a nerd”s world wide web, at least.