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Facebook Reunites Mother and Lost Son

Cherie Alvis had to give up her newborn son 22 years ago when she was only 17. After she gave birth to him, he encountered medical problems she couldn”t afford or handle at her young age. She gave him up for adoption so that a family could properly take care of him. 2 weeks ago, she posted pictures to Facebook of her infant son. She also posted a picture that read: “I am looking for my son. He was born June 3, 1991. He”s 22 today. Birth name Joseph Edward Saenz.”

Four days later, miraculously, a man named Clark Alldridge wrote on her Facebook timeline. He said, “Here I am, Mom.”

This story is almost too amazing to believe.

Cherie”s heartfelt plea.

The first time Cherie met her son.

The first time Cherie met her son.

Their first loving embrace shared as mother and son.

Their first  loving embrace shared as mother and son.
